Monthly Archives: December 2022
December 12, 2022
Frequent Dog Conditions Seen at Vets
According to household ownership, dogs are among the most popular pets in the UK, with almost a quarter of houses in the country providing a home to at least one of them. And this isn’t a recent development; for centuries, man and dog have existed alongside one another – indeed, it’s thanks to the latter that the former has prospered so impressively.
As a consequence of this partnership, we know a great deal about canine physiology. Veterinary schools across the country dedicate entire programmes to dogs, and an enormous volume of academic research is being constantly read and written on the subject of their health.
The answer to one particular question, however, has proven remarkably elusive – which diseases are most common? Until recently, data collection on the matter wasn’t widespread – and so a clear picture of the situation across the country has been difficult to come by.
Collecting the data
This problem came to be addressed by a collaboration
December 09, 2022
Pet Safety at Christmas Time
There are a number of steps you can take to safeguard your pet this Christmas when your house is full of guests. Many pets will find strangers interesting and will approach them gregariously. Conversely, some pets will find strangers terrifying. If your pet falls into the latter category and you are entertaining guests with whom your pet is unfamiliar, then you should take steps to mitigate their discomfort. Provide them with a safe place to retreat to and relax and keep in mind these other tips for pet safety at Christmas time.
Safety in the kitchen and elsewhere
If you are cooking, pets can provide an unwanted – and often dangerous – distraction. Tripping over an overbearing dog while carrying a hot pan is not a pleasant experience for either party. Similarly, any cat which inadvertently wanders onto a hot ceramic griddle will suffer severely. Avoid these problems by excluding your animals from the kitchen.
Abundant choking hazards
Most of the avoidable