Flea and Tick Treatments For Dogs: A Guide

Fleas and ticks are a big concern for many owners and their dogs, especially as we start approaching the warmer months.
A combination of different options are used to prevent fleas from attacking your dog and invading the home, including medication, hygiene routines and cleaning your home thoroughly. This is your guide to flea and tick treatments for dogs, scroll down to find out how you can control and prevent fleas on your dog, in your home and in your garden.
Medication for Flea Prevention
There are many different types of medication for treating and preventing fleas and ticks, including topical and oral forms. Fleas and ticks are more than just an uncomfortable inconvenience for your dog, they can cause serious health problems for them and can take over your home.
It is much better to take action to keep the fleas and ticks away before your dog can even get them, as they can be very difficult to get rid of.
If your dog isn’t too fond of taking tablets then we’d highly recommend using a spray form of medication to control and prevent any flea and tick infestations. Spot-on spray treatments can help to directly treat the infected area on your dog - treating with ease!
We have a wide range of spray treatments for your dogs, from brands like Frontline, you’ll only get the best for your dog.
Collars are an innovative approach to preventing any fleas or ticks from attacking your dog. Flea and tick collars will usually protect your dog for up to 8 months. The collar works to build up an invisible layer of protection that kills fleas and ticks that come into contact with your dog.
Collars are odourless, non-greasy and super easy to fit, so won’t cause your dog any bother at all - they are also available in a wide range of different sizes, suitable for all dogs!
Topical Treatment
Topical spot-on treatments involve squeezing a small amount of liquid onto the back of your dog's neck, killing fleas within 24 to 48 hours.
Topical flea treatment for your dog is a great and affordable way to help prevent fleas from attacking your dog. They contain active ingredients that are effective at killing and preventing fleas, therefore is seen as a quick win and more favourable for most people's pets.
We stock a wide range of different topical treatments for your dog, including the Frontline Plus Spot-On, Advantage Topical Treatment, Flevox and much more.
Getting Rid of Fleas in the Home
Having a dog runs the risk of also finding your house under attack with fleas at times, and in the event of an infestation, here’s what you can do.
- Invest in a flea comb, as you will need to regularly check your dog for any fleas. Slowly run the comb against the hair pattern, keeping an eye out for any fleas or dirt. If you do happen to find any fleas rummaging around in there, applying topical treatment will get rid of anything within 24-48 hours of application.
- Keeping your dog's bedding and blankets washed can help prevent any fleas from appearing in the first place. Washing them in hot water and drying them on high heat will help to kill any unwanted guests.
- Whenever you do wash your dog, it’s ideal that you use flea and tick shampoo to help get rid of or prevent any pests and can offer up to four weeks of protection. However, shampoo isn’t as long-lasting as topical treatment will be for your dog.
- Once you’ve washed and cleaned your dog, you might want to think about using a flea collar, offering protection against fleas for almost 8 months.
Controlling fleas and ticks in your home and garden is also something else that you should be conscious of. Here are just a few things that you can do to prevent fleas in your home and garden.
- Having a natural flea and tick home spray available to spray on any areas your dog might’ve been like sofas and beds as well as carpets. This is ideal because these sprays can destroy fleas and ticks at all life stages.
- Keeping your floor clean, especially if it’s carpet can prevent any unwanted visitors in your home
- Keep on top of cutting the grass, this eliminates any potential hiding spots for fleas, especially during the hot summer months.
As pet owners, we should all take the proper precautions and measures to protect our animals against problems like fleas and ticks. And remember, preventing them is a lot easier than getting rid of them once your dog has them!