When and How To Use Calmers For Horses

At 365 Vet we’re against the use of horse calmers for anything other than calming anxious horses during travelling, clipping, farrier or dental visits.

Always consult with a veterinarian before introducing any new supplements to a horse’s diet, as they can provide guidance tailored to the specific needs of your horse.

What are horse calmers?

Horse calmers, also known as calming supplements, are designed to help horses manage acute or chronic stress, anxiety and nervousness. They can be used in situations such as transport, veterinary visits, or during periods of environmental changes.

Our supplements come in powder form and can be mixed with your horse's food daily. They can be used for short or long periods - however, if your horse is suffering from anxiousness for extended periods you should consult with your veterinarian. The supplements in our range are designed to be non-drowsy and cause no long-term effects.

It's important to note that the effectiveness of horse calmers can vary between individual horses, and not all horses may respond to these supplements in the same way.

When to use horse calmers 

We’ve touched a little on this already but there are many uses for horse calmers including:

  • Transportation: Horses may become anxious when travelling, especially if it’s something they don’t do often or you’re going on a long journey.
  • Veterinary procedures: Horses may become stressed or anxious during veterinary procedures such as dental work, vaccinations or medical examinations. Calming supplements can help keep them calm and cooperative during veterinary visits.
  • Environmental changes: Changes in the horse's environment, such as moving to a new stable or being introduced to new pasture mates, can cause stress and anxiety.
  • Fireworks or loud noises: Horses may become frightened by loud noises such as fireworks, thunderstorms or construction work. Calming supplements can help reduce their anxiety during such events.
  • Separation anxiety: Some horses may experience separation anxiety when separated from their stablemates or when left alone in unfamiliar surroundings.

It's important to note that while horse calmers can be beneficial in managing anxiety and stress, they are not a substitute for proper care and must not be used to aid in training your horse.

Additionally, it's essential to consult with a veterinarian before using any calming supplements to ensure they are appropriate for your horse and used correctly.

How to use horse calmers

Always read carefully the instructions provided by the manufacturer (supplements can vary) - instructions include the appropriate dosage of calming powder for your horse based on its weight, level of anxiety and the product's specific recommendations.

Use a measuring scoop or scale to ensure accuracy when measuring out the calmer. Sprinkle the measured powder onto the horse's regular feed and mix well. Ensure that the powder is evenly distributed throughout the feed to prevent the horse from picking it out and leaving it behind. Serve the feed with the powdered calming supplement to your horse when directed in the product instructions.

Monitor your horse's behaviour and response to the calming supplement. The supplement may take some time to work, so be patient. Keep track of any changes in behaviour. If you do not observe the desired effects or if your horse experiences any adverse reactions, consult a veterinarian. They may recommend adjusting the dosage or trying a different calming supplement.

Types of horse calmers

Horse calmers come in a range of forms: powders (such as those we stock at 365 Vet), tablets, pastes, liquids, and treats. While powders are one of the most popular types of calming supplement, it’s about finding what your horse will tolerate best and what’s most effective for them.

Some horse owners opt for herbal calmers that contain naturally-occurring ingredients such as chamomile, valerian root, passionflower and lavender, which are known for their calming properties. These are mainly used for acute anxiety. Just like with all supplements, consult with your veterinarian before giving them to your horse.

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